Tips on Caring for your Décolletage

We all know the basics of caring for our faces, but what about the skin on the rest of our body? One of the most neglected areas of skin is your décolletage - aka the skin on your neck and chest. The skin on the décolletage is thin and delicate and is one of the first areas of your body to show the signs of aging.

The skin on your neck and chest contains less sebaceous (oil) glands and limited melanocytes (pigment producing cells), so damage is more easily done. As we age, collagen and elastin begin to break down. These proteins keep your skin firm. When collagen and elastin start to break down, your skin begins to sag inward, resulting in creases and eventually becomes wrinkled.

If you have noticed a change in your skin texture or appearance on your décolletage - acne, dryness or a crepey feel or you just want to prevent aging, then your routine could use an upgrade. Here's a handful of tips for keeping your chest and neck, happy and looking refreshed.


The Best Skin Care Tips for Your Décolletage

Tip #1: Moisturize
Apply moisturizer from the tip of your forehead to your nips! Keep your chest area hydrated with Green Envee Nourish Replenishing Moisturizer, Sorella Apothecary Blueberry Milk Moisturizer, or Sothys Wrinkle Specific Youth Serum.

Tip #2: Apply SPF
UVA and UVB rays cause collagen and elastin to break down more quickly. At the same time, UV rays can damage your skin cells, making it harder for them to repair themselves and create newer, healthier cells. To keep sun damage at bay, try Sorella Apothecary Quench and Protect SPF 30 (dewy) or Tropical Topical SPF 30 (matte).

Tip #3: Be Gentle
Because the skin on your décolletage is so delicate, you need to be extra gentle. Rubbing, stretching or pulling can cause damage and lead to more wrinkles and creases.

Tip #4: Use a Hydrating Serum and/or Treatment Balm
If you've noticed that your décolletage is dry, try using a hydrating serum or a treatment balm. Some skin serums are formulated just for hydrating purposes and contain nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid to keep your skin moisturized and looking plump. My favorite hyaluronic serums are Sorella Apothecary Main Squeeze Hydrating Serum, Green Envee HA Collagen Boosting Serum, and Sothys Wrinkle Specific Youth Cream or Brightening Fluid. Sorella Apothecary's The Balm promotes renewal and helps with firming, tightening and moisture.

Tip #5: Watch Your Posture
Keeping your posture on point can help minimize wrinkling. In this day we are all constantly staring down at our smartphones, tablets and laptops, which is horrible for your décolletage and neck. Sitting straight and strengthening your upper back can be helpful.

Tip #6: Cleanse Your Skin
Gentle cleansing without stripping moisture is critical in keeping the décolletage hydrated and vibrant. Sothys Vitality Cleansing Milk and Lotion, Green Envee Soothe Herbal Cleansing Cream, or Sorella Apothecary Apricot Mango Cleansing Milk are all excellent choices.

Tip #7: Exfoliate Your Skin
Exfoliating your neck and chest helps to slough away any buildup of dead skin cells on the skin's surface, which can make your décolletage look more radiant. Because your chest and neck are more delicate than the rest of your body, I recommend using a gentle exfoliator on your décolletage like Green Envee Refine Polish, Sothys Desquacreme, or Sorella Apothecary Mint Poppy Seed Polish.

Tip #8: Sleep on Your Back
Do you tend to sleep on your side or stomach? Sleep wrinkles are "a thing" and can show on your chest. I recommend kicking the bad habit to the curb and try readjusting your sleeping position and sleep on your back to decrease the risk of forming wrinkles

Tip #9: Use a Hydrating Mask
We love a good face mask, but why should we stop at just our faces? A hydrating mask can help replenish the moisture your décolletage is thirsty for. The Neck Mask - Ageless Stem Cell and Peptide Mask by Dermaplane Pro, Green Envee Restore Hydration Mask, or Sothys Nutri-Soothing or Brightening Mask.

Tip #10: Ask About In-Spa Treatments
Water and Leaf Skincare has added a new service for the Neck and Décolletage, check it out the next time you're in.
