Our Skin Barrier

What is a skin barrier?
The outermost layer of skin is called the skin barrier and acts like a security guard.   Not only is it the part of the skin that we see first, it's also our first line of defense against environmental pollutants passing through and wreaking havoc on our skin.    Pollution, bacteria, toxic chemicals, irritants, UV rays and free radicals are all filtered out by a healthy skin barrier.   A damaged, thin, or weak barrier allows irritants in and hydration out.  This causes dullness, dryness, sensitivities and can lead to inflammation and permanent aging.  A healthy skin barrier is well hydrated, moisturized, resilient, flexible, and looks radiant and plump. It can withstand the negative effects of environmental stress and ages more gracefully.  
How does barrier damage occur?
Over time, your skin barrier can become impaired.  Natural aging, exposure to environmental stressors and everyday life and activities can cause disruption to the skin.  Things that are in our control that can cause cumulative damage and compromise the skin's structure are: over cleansing, over exfoliating, over stimulating with too many acids or performance ingredients for aging and blemishes, too much sun, blue light from our computers and cell phones, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, and extreme temperatures such as cold winter weather, steam rooms and saunas. 

 How to fix a compromised barrier?

  1. First rule is to apply sunscreen daily (even on a cloudy, rainy or wintry day).  Barrier support can be encouraged by wearing sunscreen with a SPF of 30 and avoiding the sun when then UV index is at its highest from 10am-4pm.

  2. Keeping the skin moisturized and well hydrated.  Internally by consuming water and water rich foods and externally with the application of a moisturizer that is suited for your skin type and condition. 

  3. Using gentle exfoliants and not overusing acidic ingredients, thus regulating the skin’s pH (read more about balancing your skin at https://www.waterandleafskincare.com/blog/its-about-balance).

  4. Look for antioxidant rich ingredients.  Antioxidants fight free radicals and minimize the signs of aging.  Both your diet and skincare should be loaded with antioxidants to help prevent the drying effects of environmental stressors. 

  5. Seek out natural, organic, and biodynamic products that maintain strength and integrity.  These types of ingredients infuse the skin with beneficial nutrients that optimize its health and fortify its barrier.

At Water and Leaf Skincare, I help you fortify your skin’s barrier by bringing balance to the skin, which reduces inflammation and skin sensitivity.  This can be done through specific and nourishing ingredients.  Every single product available at Water and Leaf Skincare contains ingredients that support the skin's barrier and help to feed your skin.  Toxins, harsh fragrances, parabens, and sulfates are left out of the chosen products.  Skincare products are packed with rich nutrients and active ingredients that support your skins natural regenerating properties.