Mole Check - A True Story

Somethings just pop-up in your life at the right time, like an email.  I receive a monthly email from IMPACT Melanoma, the nation’s leading non-profit dedicated to melanoma prevention and early detection. This month's article is worthy of sharing as many clients ask for me to check a mole or check for AK's (pre-cancerous lesions).  I am always happy to do so, even if it's not solicited.  This story is one to be shared with all.  The information may impact your life or of a loved one.  If you have not had a mole or skin cancer screening, it's time! Schedule your appointment now, as it often takes 6 months to a year to book because a dermatologist will perform a maximum amount for a day.

Melanoma Survivor Story - Abbey Szabo

I was 25, when I finally went to check out the ever so changing mole that was located on my right leg just above the bend of my knee. I had noticed it was changing a year before but thought it was just a growth. My suspicion got larger when i noticed it would get caught on my jeans and start to bleed. I went to a walk-in clinic to determine if it was something i should worry about. They immediately contacted my dermatologist and scheduled an appointment. My dermatologist decided on a shave biopsy, which in itself was nerve racking. I got a call a week later saying they needed me to come in to discuss my results. I knew before they told me, as most doctors won’t ask you to come in if it is good news. He explained my diagnosis to me and said that he had set up an appoint with an oncologist, as well as a plastic surgeon. They ran multiple tests to see if it had metastasized. The “normal” depth of melanoma is 1 to 2 cm. Mine was 5.2. They had skeptical looks while explaining this, I was sure I was done, and that I couldn’t be mad because I didn’t get it looked at. They found that my lymph channels showed it could be in my groin. They decided to schedule surgery. Where they removed the 2-inch radius on my leg, and two lymph nodes in my groin. I couldn’t walk for 6 weeks, had to do therapy and re-learn how to function/walk with the amount of muscle they took. It’s just past my year of surgery. And I feel great and looks like nothing is coming back as of now. I still have no feeling on the inner side of my leg, and towards the lymph node site. But I’m told it may not ever come back. I’m extremely cautious of protecting my skin now and sunscreen is a must.

I have a high risk of it coming back, but I feel that this was a wakeup call. I never did the tanning weekly thing; it was a spur of the moment/special occasion thing. I did spend massive amounts of time outside when I was younger and never thought twice about using sunscreen, it just wasn’t necessary to me. Know I know how important it is, and what you can lose. Now all I can do is continue to try and prevent and hope for the best, but I think we are in the clear and I look forward to my newfound appreciation for life!

IMPACT Melanoma February 2023 edition